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cloudLibrary eBooks and Audiobooks
Read or listen to books on your computer, phone or mobile device.
Borrow up to 8 titles at one time and keep them for up to 14 days.

Flipster is a next-generation magazine service that allows you to download digital versions of the latest issues of popular magazines to your computer, tablet or mobile device. Available titles include HELLO!, Maclean’s, Newsweek, People, Rolling Stone, US Weekly, Wired and many more!
There is no limit to the number of magazines that can be downloaded. Select weekly titles expire in 2 days, while select monthly titles expire in 7 days. If a magazine has an expiry date, this information will be displayed at the bottom of the magazine cover image in the app. If a date is not displayed, the magazine will not expire. Expired magazines may be downloaded again.

Hoopla Digital
Enjoy Movies, TV Shows, Music & Audiobooks for free on your computer or mobile device.
Borrow up to 8 titles each calendar month. Video lends for 48-72 hours, music lends for 7 days, and audiobooks lend for 21 days.
A collection of online books created by adding animation, sound, music and narration to existing picture books from major children's book publishers and designed to develop a love of reading in children.  The books can be read by parents to their children or read by a child.  Games, quizzes and other activities are included to help develop reading skills.  TumbleBookLibrary can be used in English, French and Spanish.